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Download Using FTP Services

Instructions for Downloading Using FTP Services

For technical persons with experience using FTP (File Transfer Protocol), it is possible and sometimes more efficient to download using this method. WARNING: Only experienced individuals should attempt this method.

The following FTP example is using a well-known FTP client software called “FileZilla”. This software must be installed on your system, and it is free. Note that on our FTP server, we focus exclusively on Rapture Kit v2.1! For your convenience, you can download this software here. Be aware that you might have another preference for an FTP client and that is perfectly fine. Proceed with what you may already be familiar with by all means.

Settings for FileZilla ftp site

Password is unmasked in the screenshots below!

Rapture Kit 8GB Instructions (for 32GB Rapture Kit, see below)

There are multiple panels in FileZilla, so it may seem confusing at first. Let’s go step-by-step. The first thing we’re going to do is navigate to the “Local Site” drive treeview where you can see we have D: (IntelSSD) highlighted in red. So, choose what drive letter you wish to copy abound 27GB of Rapture Kit data. Next, in the window immediately below that, you’ll see any existing folder structures on your system. Some may seem strange to you, but that’s okay, they are hidden usually. Right click in this area and choose “Create Directory and Enter it” option.

When you do that, a pop-up screen like the one shown will prompt you for the folder name. Please enter “RaptureKit” or “Rapture Kit” either will work…or you can choose a name of your own.

Notice in the left FileZilla panel, you can see the RaptureKit folder…and further note in a new File Explorer window that on Drive D: we can also see the new RaptureKit subdirectory.

This will be slightly technical now, but let’s take it slowly. On the File menu on the upper left hand side, choose the “Site Manager…” option.

A new dialog box pops-up that will let you define the FTP site and credentials to use. Note that we want to click on the “New Site” button at the bottom.

Enter “RaptureKit” or “Rapture Kit”, or you can choose a name of your own. Hit the enter key when ready.

Follow the information on the screen and enter it exactly as you see it:
Host: “
Port: leave blank
Encryption: leave on the default “Use explicit FTP over TLS if available”
Logon Type: leave on the default “Normal”
User: Enter “RaptureKitUser”
Password: Enter the password you see on the graphic to the left. Go slow. Enter every character carefully.
When you are done, click on the “Connect” button at the bottom of the dialog box.

In the trace window at the topmost part of FileZilla, you will notice a Status line of “Logged In”, “Retrieving directory listing…”, and “Directory listing of “/” successful”. On the right side of the screen is an over/under view for what is on the FTP server. To clarify FileZilla a bit, the left-side window panes are local to your computer (PC or Mac) and the right side are on the FTP server in the cloud. We are interested in the left panel (local to your computer) highlighting the “RaptureKit” folder previously made, and on the right side it will display a tree node with the top-most node of: “drivehqshare”.

When you drill into the “drivehqshare” folder, it will expand and you can see the “Rapture Kit” folder. Clicking on that will fill the pane below with the contents of the “Rapture Kit” node. The “Bulk Zip Files (compressed)” and the “Rapture Kit v2.1 (uncompressed)” folders are a correct representation of the site.

In the server-side pane, click on the “Bulk Zip Files (compressed)” folder and you’ll see a refresh momentarily of the three (3) ZIP files labeled part 1 through part 3.

Highlight (select all) three (3) of these Zip files, right click on them to get the context sensitive menu, and choose the “Download” option.

This screen shows an active download in progress and it’s quite busy. Let’s examine this closer. On the left pane, you can see that the local (your PC) drive where the “Rapture Kit” folder is located is beginning to see some of the ZIP files. Note that “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 1 of” is already completed. On the very bottom pane, you will see the parallel downloads in progress for “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 2 of” and “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 3 of”. The progress bar will show you the download progress of these files.

When the FTP transfer from the server to your PC or Mac has completed activity, you will note that the left (local side of your PC or Mac) has the same files, with the same name and file size as those on the right pane which represents the server-side. You are effectively done with the download once this is confirmed.

It’s time to logoff. To do so, click on the File menu at the top left of the screen and choose the “Exit” option. FileZilla will disconnect from the server connection (see Status message “Disconnectd from the server” message in the log. However, FileZilla itself is still open in the background.

Remember that in FileZilla the left panel represented your PC or Mac local hard drive? Open up File Explorer and navigate to where you created the Rapture Kit folder, and you will see the three (3) ZIP files waiting for further action.

Let’s begin decompressing these files. Right click on “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 1 of” and choose “WinZip” and then “Unzip to here…” option.

Note the result of this action is the Section 01 through Section 05 plus Section 08 folders and the Read Me First file. The Section 06 and Section 07 are coming in the next two ZIP files.

Right click on the “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 2 of” file and choose “WinZip” and then “Unzip to here…” option.

When this is finished decompressing the Zip file, you will now see that Section 06 – What Tribulation Saints Need to Know” is now visible.

Right click on the “Rapture Kit v2.1 – Part 3 of” file and choose “WinZip” and then “Unzip to here…” option.

This is the largest of the ZIP files and what you see is the progress bar reflecting the current decompression it is undertaking. Even though it is a very fast process, just from the file size alone, it might still take several minutes for this operation to complete. It contains all the Teaching and Sermons included in the Rapture Kit making up over 13GB of material.

Section 07 is done!

[Optional step] We no longer need the three (3) large ZIP files and now that the Rapture Kit has been fully decompressed, it is best to delete these now. Highlight the three ZIP files and right click on them to choose the “Delete” option. If you wish to preserve the three ZIP files for further copying and distribution work, you may do so…just remember that the entire of the “RaptureKit” folder how has more file size in it than can fit on a 32GB USB Drive. To remedy this, when making new Rapture Kits, simply hightlight all the files and folders *except* for the three (3) Zip Files and choose “Copy”. Then, you can safely put in a new USB Drive, select it in File Explorer and choose the “Paste” option.

This is the complete Rapture Kit now on your PC or Mac! If FileZilla is still open, just exit out of it.


The USB 2.0 Drive is compatible with any Mac or Windows-based PC’s capable of loading any USB 2.0 specification or higher. Video (MP4) and audio (MP3) can also be played from many contemporary TV platforms (such as Samsung, Sony, LG…).  This is intentionally purposed for small, private, underground Christ Followers seeking to finish well during the Tribulation period.  As such, it facilitates group study and discussion.